We Care Connect

We Care Village Launch

How we helped We Care Connect launch the We Care Village, their online giving platform with an emotive, informative, and repurposable promotional video.

After 5 years of running on the love and dedication of its founders and volunteers, We Care Connect wanted to take control of its fundraising so that the organisation can better serve the community.

They launched We Care Village, an online giving platform that allows people in the community to support the We Care Connect mission by committing funds through a secure online platform.

To help We Care Connect launch this platform successfully we produced a deeply moving, narrative-based video ad that brings the viewer into the issues that people are facing on the Central Coast and Hunter Region through the “based on actual events” story of a single mother and her two sons.

In addition to this we also produced a library of images that showcase the people who make We Care Connect work; the founders Derryck and Jackie Klarkowski and thei amazing volunteers.

We Care Connect is a truly incredible volunteer-run non-profit based on the Central Coast, NSW that provides basic needs to children living in poverty on the Central Coast and Hunter Region. You can support their work by clicking the link below.

